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After you have updated your stylesheet, make sure you turn this module off

20 Years of Mighty Mo: Cabling Organization with Legrand

by Julie Clark on March 14, 2014

This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the Mighty Mo® product family of Legrand solutions. In honor of the long-lasting success of this line of rack equipment and data center structured cabling solutions, the newest rack system has been named the Mighty Mo 20.

The Mighty Mo 20 rack system is an industry-first with its all-white rack and matching cable management accessories and associated rack equipment. The system is a comprehensive solution that meets the needs of networks requiring greater flexibility, optimum efficiency and superior design. Updated features include the new honeycomb design, new bend limiting clip, deeper vertical managers and more. 


Here's some of the dates to look forward to as the NEW Mighty Mo 20 racks system becomes available: 

Click here to learn more from Legrand

In the mean time, see for yourself the great new features of the Mighty Mo 20 and the sleek, all-white design. Click the video below to view. 




And just for fun, here's some of the events from 20+ years ago that influenced the name of the new Mighty Mo® rack system. 

1966: The birth of Ortronics, Inc. Maurice "Mo" Orlando co-founds the company in Norwich, Connecticut, to produce electrical coils and wire harness assemblies.

Did you know? IBM® was the "first major customer" of Ortronics, Inc.

1994: Mighty Mo Wire Management System was introduced. Mighty Mo was the first of a line of "Mo" products, named after the founder.



To learn more about Mighty Mo 20 or other Legrand cable management solutions, 

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