Trouble with an Installation? The Accu-Tech App Can Help.
With all of the new products hitting the market, it can be difficult staying current with the best installation practices. Slight changes in a product's design can turn a simple install into a real challenge.
We know YouTube is a great way to learn just about anything. Type in your question and, more often than not, a detailed video explaining your exact problem appears. But this isn't always feasible on the job site.
Training, New Products, Installation Videos
With the new Accu-Tech App, we have collected all of the manufacturer training and installation videos and put them right at your fingertips. The simple and clean navigation allows you to quickly access the video content relevant to you. You even have the option to add videos to your Bookmarks within the app for faster access to the videos you refer to most often.
As new videos are published, they are automatically added to the Video Library ensuring you're always up to date with the latest product enhancements and trends of the industry.