Video surveillance data is increasingly connected across local and global networks. A growing number of edge components (cameras) send their data to core components (servers) over the Internet, where digital intruders and hackers loom.
The Risks
Even a single weak link in a surveillance set-up can jeopardize an entire system. For example, skilled hackers can stage so-called man-in-the-middle attacks, hijacking communications between a camera and video management system (VMS). Once hackers have access, they can inject an alternate video feed to conceal illicit activity, or manipulate live camera footage to selectively remove certain details or persons from the scene.
Covering All Angles
Bosch achieve the highest standards with a four-step approach that considers the entire video surveillance infrastructure. Bosch create trust by assigning every component in the network an authentication key. Bosch secure data from hackers by encrypting it at the hardware level, using a cryptographic key that is safely stored in a unique built-in Trusted Platform Module (TPM). Bosch offer easy ways to manage user access rights ensuring that only authorized people have access to your data. And finally, Bosch can support the set-up of a Public Key Infrastructure. So with Bosch, you couldn’t be more secure.
Learn more about Bosch Security