CommScope has recently completed their acquisition of ARRIS, creating a combined solution portfolio of high-performing wireless solutions. Together, CommScope and ARRIS can support more customers, like you, and drive growth in new markets, from smart homes to intelligent cities and everywhere in between. They develop products for constant low-latency and ultra-highspeed connectivity - perfect for you and your customers.
CommScope and ARRIS now offer you greater opportunities with solutions in the areas of high performance networking and communications, advanced home networking and entertainment, and all forms of wireless technology across a broad range of verticals. They're committed, as always, to innovating in our industry.
Currently, there are no changes to the way you work with CommScope and ARRIS. Over time, they will join their teams and processes to give you a fully integrated experience. You can, of course, continue to reach out to your Accu-Tech representative for more information about these innovative wireless solutions.
For more information about CommScope's acquisition of ARRIS, please click here.