Increased density in the Data Center is an ongoing challenge for fiber optic manufacturers. In this high-bandwidth world of “less is more,” many customers are left scratching their heads trying to figure out which way to go to meet density demands while avoiding increased rack congestion.
Corning Optical Communications is one manufacturer who offers a cable assemblies solution that addresses these issues and more. EDGE™ Solutions Uniboot Jumpers meet high-density space requirements of the MDA and EDA and provide a 50-percent reduction in bulk cabling compared to traditional zip cord jumpers.
This highly flexible, 2-fiber interconnect cable reduces cable congestion, improves jumper management and routing and improves air circulation. But, the value of Corning’s Uniboot Jumpers doesn’t stop there. EDGE™ Solutions jumpers offer reverse polarity when and where you need it.
Enabled by Corning® ClearCurve® multimode optical fibre, EDGE™ Solutions jumpers feature ultra-bendable performance and accommodate a minimum bend-radius of 10 mm with minimal bend-induced attenuation loss. With this bend performance, EDGE Solutions jumpers can greatly reduce outages and system degradation.
Multifiber cable assemblies are offered with a variety of cable and connector combinations. Options include LC, SC, FC, ST, MT-RJ and MTP® connectors. RoHs compliant indoor, outdoor (loose tube), indoor/outdoor and ribbon cables are available. Corning’s fiber optic cable assemblies are highly configurable and factory-terminated which ensures consistent quality and system performance.
Contact Accu-Tech today for more information on Corning’s Uniboot Jumpers.