Intro to Infrastructure
Wi-Fi has become an essential utility. Data centers, businesses, and residences everywhere rely on their networks to communicate and deliver data. Cutting-edge Wireless technologies like Wi-Fi 6 and 6E are also setting the stage for intelligent applications, like virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and more. While this is exciting, and for the most part beneficial to users, too many connected devices create spikes in network traffic.
The outcome? User experience suffers. Connection speeds slow down, website pages refuse to load, and the overall quality of the experience is lost. Cue the buffering wheel of doom. For businesses in the Enterprise market, this can be detrimental. Wi-Fi is required for these facilities to be operational.
As bandwidth demands grow, infrastructure upgrades and replacements loom over the horizon. There are technologies and devices in the Wireless marketplace which can operate across various types of systems. Examples of high-use cases include:
High-bandwidth applications
High-resolution video streaming
The Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Virtual Reality (VR)
Augmented Reality (AR)
Devices that support these technologies benefit from a strong, reliable Wi-Fi connection. Meaning, customers in the Enterprise market may need to devise a plan on how to address growing bandwidth demands. Since a seamless connection requires having a robust infrastructure, technology integration is a great place for customers to start.
The good news? When upgrades are future-proof, businesses and facilities are more likely able to enjoy Wi-Fi-enabled technologies. There are many options when it comes to improving performance, updating cabling infrastructure, and modernizing Wireless access point (APs) installation methods. It's just a matter of finding the right fit for every unique facility.
Modern Installation Methods Make a Difference
The reimagining of infrastructure has encouraged newer, faster, and overall better ways of installing wireless equipment. Traditional wireless AP deployments are outdated and less desirable. Thus, facilities must discard old methods of installation if they want to evolve alongside new technologies.
A bigger conversation in the industry now surrounds installation alternatives, especially ones that can be deployed seamlessly, with better functionality and performance altogether. Designers, architects, contractors, and building owners want equipment that works well and looks good, too. Network planners want options that are scalable and able to change with the requirements.

Before you select a method of Wireless AP installation, consider the following tips:
Avoid leaving holes and gaps in the ceiling tiles, and ensure there's room for easy cable removal (shown in image above).
Your installation should be simple and concealed, while still protecting the wireless equipment and any extra cabling components.
Make sure you have full access to the wireless equipment, including its associated cabling and components. A direct entrance into the ceiling space above makes services and lifelong maintenance much easier.
Your installation should not compromise the wireless network.
Ceiling enclosures should meet and exceed all performance and safety ratings for its intended purpose. Read the fine print, and purchase from trusted manufacturers.
Consider an installation method that includes extra room to stow excess cable and easy access to components.
Built-in migration paths are beneficial to future wireless APs.
Installations with locks help prevent tampering.
Ceiling enclosures that permit access to the installed equipment can simplify hospital ICRA procedures, providing a barrier between the contractor's workspace and the ceiling above. This is important to consider in an array of Healthcare environments.
Aesthetics can be equally as important as functionality. Select an installation method that satisfies your aesthetic requirements, allowing the installation to blend seamlessly into its environment.
Be sure to read the full Oberon article and to get more insight into installation best practices. For ideas and information on this timely and important topic, contact an Accu-Tech Representative, or visit the Oberon vendor page.