{% set baseFontFamily = "Open Sans" %} /* Add the font family you wish to use. You may need to import it above. */

{% set headerFontFamily = "Open Sans" %} /* This affects only headers on the site. Add the font family you wish to use. You may need to import it above. */

{% set textColor = "#565656" %} /* This sets the universal color of dark text on the site */

{% set pageCenter = "1100px" %} /* This sets the width of the website */

{% set headerType = "fixed" %} /* To make this a fixed header, change the value to "fixed" - otherwise, set it to "static" */

{% set lightGreyColor = "#f7f7f7" %} /* This affects all grey background sections */

{% set baseFontWeight = "normal" %} /* More than likely, you will use one of these values (higher = bolder): 300, 400, 700, 900 */

{% set headerFontWeight = "normal" %} /* For Headers; More than likely, you will use one of these values (higher = bolder): 300, 400, 700, 900 */

{% set buttonRadius = '40px' %} /* "0" for square edges, "10px" for rounded edges, "40px" for pill shape; This will change all buttons */

After you have updated your stylesheet, make sure you turn this module off

Let's Learn About Leak Detection with nVent

by Katy Plant on October 8, 2021


Today we're discussing data centers. They are everywhere. They also emit an incredible amount of heat into their surrounding environments, which in turn requires active cooling.

Nobody has ever doubted that these facilities are designed skillfully and with security, leak detection and prevention in mind. Preventing downtime in data centers is typically a huge consideration, but leak detection? What exactly does it entail, and how are the two related?

Let's learn about leak detection with nVent. 

leak detectionFirst, it's important to know that data rooms and data centers pose a wide variety of possible leaks such as:

• A/C cooling units

• Chilled water/ refrigerant piping

• Server racks with liquid cooling

• Plumbing and condensate lines

• Drains

• Sprinkler systems and other overhead piping

• Roof and window leaks

• Seepage from foundations in below ground spaces

• Remote communication rooms or closets

• Battery acid leaks

• Diesel fuel leaks near backup generators

In addition to this, according to nVent Raychem TraceTrek, "As data center sizes and computing power density have grown, the dependence on liquid cooled CRAC has likewise grown along with their added risk of liquid leaks."

Take this increased risk of leaks, plus higher demands for downtime prevention in data centers, and suddenly, leak detection comes a very important element to success.  

Fortunately, nVent provides products and solutions such as point sensors, cable sensors, leak detection monitoring units and more for preventing downtime in data centers.

Now that you know leaks can be easily identified before they cause serious problems or outages, you can be proactive this year by upgrading the leak detection technologies in your data center. Class dismissed. 


Shop nVent


Contact your local Accu-Tech representative to learn more about nVent leak detection solutions, or visit their vendor page here. 


Topics: data centers leak detection nvent

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