Global economies, fast changing market demands, and a 24-7 world that never sleeps are some of the concerns to business today. According to CommScope's research, almost one third of all downtime can be attributed to human error, so much of a next generation network can be thought of as a self-sustaining, independent infrastructure. With the availability of sensors, mapping and information from a variety of sources, having up to date notifications and alerts of changes in the data center can be considered the other piece of the intelligent infrastructure puzzle.
CommScope's Definition: Intelligent Infrastructure
This is where an intelligent infrastructure solution comes into play. An intelligent infrastructure solution is a combination of software, network connections and sensors in the data center that provide updated documentation that can take the guesswork out of what cables are connected where, making the job of managing networks much easier. They will also assist with finding a device’s physical location in the network with an IP device discovery. Because these solutions can help to diagnose and resolve problems quickly, they minimize costly downtime and improve the total quality experience of the data center.
CommScope has the solutions to meet your intelligent building challenges:
Intelligent Infrastructure Solutions |
Structured Cabling Solutions |
Intelligent Lighting Network Solutions |
For more information concerning CommScope's intelligent infrastructure solutions, visit the CommScope vendor page, or contact your local Accu-Tech representative today!