Discover IoT with Legrand
As technology becomes more and more important in our daily lives, a new type of infrastructure has emerged, powered by smart devices - the intelligent network built on the Internet of Things (IoT). But what is IoT? IoT is a network of uniquely identifiable endpoints (or "things") that contain embedded technology to sense, collect and act on data locally or with external environments, without human interaction. We rely on our technology, and our technology is smart enough to make decisions, process information and help us live and work more efficiently.
With an IoT-ready building design, the cost of system integration is greatly diminished, new hardware requirements are minimal and leading-edge apps and web-based software are becoming the norm. Employing IoT creates more functional buildings, higher efficiency and a better workspace to educate, innovate and produce.
Legrand can help you create an environment built upon the strength of the Internet of Things. Want to learn more? Fill out the form to the right to discover IoT with Legrand.